Sorry for being so quiet here on my blog.
Life is busy here Bad Homburg. Every day is filled with sports and in the evening I always add some extra hours exercising.
I rarely find time to read my fave blogs or just hang around in the web. Sometimes it's great to have only limited internet excess so you can focus on other important things.
This weekend my dad is here for a visit. We went to expressionistic reading and today we are going to see the Franz Marc, Joseph Beuys and Ewald Matare excibition. I'm totally excited because im a really big fan of Franz Marc since many years. He was an awesome painter and I really wish to win the lottery to own a painting of him.
Who is your fave artist?
Is he still alive ?
What kind of art do you prefer ?
Friday, January 27, 2012
room with a view
Saturday, January 21, 2012
bad hair day
Do you remember the hat I told you about last time ?
The amazon seller was so kind to ship the hat really quick to my place and I finally wore it for the first time.
In Bad Homburg you have to get up pretty early in the morning for breakfast. Even on weekends breakfast time is from 7.30 - 8.30. Usually I would sleep on weekends till 10 and skip lunch to have a late breakfast instead. Thanks to my new hat I could sleep a little bit longer and still get breakfast. Styling my hair takes me around 20 minutes but with the hat my time shedule for the hairstyling was down to 2 minutes.
Ohhh...and it matches my nordic walking outfit great as well so it's a double plus.
The amazon seller was so kind to ship the hat really quick to my place and I finally wore it for the first time.
In Bad Homburg you have to get up pretty early in the morning for breakfast. Even on weekends breakfast time is from 7.30 - 8.30. Usually I would sleep on weekends till 10 and skip lunch to have a late breakfast instead. Thanks to my new hat I could sleep a little bit longer and still get breakfast. Styling my hair takes me around 20 minutes but with the hat my time shedule for the hairstyling was down to 2 minutes.
Ohhh...and it matches my nordic walking outfit great as well so it's a double plus.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
hairstyling, originally uploaded by crafting with loove.
Since I'm doing lots of sports in Bad Homburg I was looking for the most perfect way to style my hair. It has to be a quick and easy style and must keep my fringe out of my face. Today I tryed to pin my fringe back and I have to say that I really like that look.
I already have an idea for bad hair days. Mr. artistic ordered me a cute oversized hat and let them ship it to my place.
I know how the hat will look on me because it's the same like mr. artistics.
What are you doing on bad hair days ???
I already have an idea for bad hair days. Mr. artistic ordered me a cute oversized hat and let them ship it to my place.
I know how the hat will look on me because it's the same like mr. artistics.
What are you doing on bad hair days ???
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Bad Homburg
I went to Bad Homburg yesterday. Bad Homburg is only a 2 h car ride away from where I'm living so I didn't had to get up too early. I arrived there around 11 am. Just in case you are wondering what I'm doing in Bad Homburg I will try to explain.
In germany you have the opurtunity to stay in some kind of health resort when you had a serious illness like cancer. So I applied for a place last year and they accepted me for a 3 week stay.
I'm very lucky because I got a really big room with a balcony. This is pretty cool since ther are only 9 rooms with a balcony (out of 150).
I'm doing lots of sports while I'm here and of course I'm trying to relax a lot.
Today I went nordic walking, swimming and had a little workout in the gym.
I went to Bad Homburg yesterday. Bad Homburg is only a 2 h car ride away from where I'm living so I didn't had to get up too early. I arrived there around 11 am. Just in case you are wondering what I'm doing in Bad Homburg I will try to explain.
In germany you have the opurtunity to stay in some kind of health resort when you had a serious illness like cancer. So I applied for a place last year and they accepted me for a 3 week stay.
I'm very lucky because I got a really big room with a balcony. This is pretty cool since ther are only 9 rooms with a balcony (out of 150).
I'm doing lots of sports while I'm here and of course I'm trying to relax a lot.
Today I went nordic walking, swimming and had a little workout in the gym.
Monday, January 16, 2012
busy birthday week
(birthday cake) |
As I already told you yesterday I had a super busy birthday week.
My sis visited me for 6 days and we tryed to squeeze as much as we could in this week.
(icing sugar) |
Of course one days was filled with shopping fun. We went to some stores to try on some clothes just for fun.
On that days both of us had a really shitty day. Do you know the days when nothing seems to be right.
You don't like your outfit, you hate your hair and feel completly miserable ?!
Shopping always helps to brighten up those days.
Both of us didn't buy lots of new stuff. We got some skinny jeans from H&M for 9,95 € only and my little sis got 3 jackets from the sale rack.
We cleaned my wardrobe and I donated 4 big bags of clothes for charity.
I gave lots of my stuff to my sis too. When she left me on sunday half of her suitcase was filled with my clothes.
(breakfast) |
When you think that my closet is nearly empty you are complety wrong. I still have to many clothes and I just bought 3 skinny pants from H&M .
(cute Franzi) |
On friday a few of my friends came over for a birthday party.
We had lots of vanilla vodka with passion fruit juice. When I drink on special occasions I prefer vodka because it never causes any headaches on the next day.
When I was younger I always drank beer when we went out but these days are gone.
I got some really cool things for my birthday.
I asked mr. artistic for some surprice presents.
He designed some unique headphones for me.
He got me two little Lala lopsie dolls and my first monster high doll.
I was looking for the monster high dolls for a little while now but never jumped on the bandwagon and got one.
I really love the monster high customs and I really want to give it a try.
I already removed all her make up but I won't be able to work on her for the next 4 weeks.
I got a CD and a voucher for a trip from my dad and a special gift from my older sis who gave me her dress which I wore on my wedding <3.
Franzi ordered a case for my samsung galaxy SII and it arrived just in time for my birthday.
Sadly the seller made a mistake and sent a wrong skin.
Tomorrow I'm heading to Bad Homburg. I will stay there for 3 weeks and I will enjoy every minute with relaxing andnlots of sports.
Sadly I have no idea if I'm able to post as often as I want.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Why my blog was empty for a few days
I had the most perfect week.
My little sis arrived on tuesday and stayed untill today.
It's very rare to have a few days for each other so I enjoyed every minute.
I love her to bits and I already start to miss her a lot.
I wish we would live much closer. More than 500 km and both busy with working makes it really hard to see each other for more than 2 days in row.
Having her here for my birthday was the best present ever.
She is fun, cute and most adorable little sis on earth.
She is fun, cute and most adorable little sis on earth.
please come back soon. I miss our fun breakfast while watching Dawsons Creek and eating tons of unhealthy stuff .
Love you so much !!!
I will post about the past days tomorrow before I'm going to Bad Homburg for 3 weeks.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
birthday haircut
Only 2 days and I will turn 30.
Time for a new and fresh hair cut.
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(before) |
I went to my fave hairdresser. You can see Afi in the background (the blonde lady).
She always makes my hair.
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(waiting for the dye to make my hair blonde again) |
Before I met her I really hated going to the hairdresser.
It was really annoying to talk to someone you don't really know about stupid and random stuff for hours and hours.
It was really annoying to talk to someone you don't really know about stupid and random stuff for hours and hours.
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(wet and fresh cut) |
Afi is different. We can talk and we can also enjoy the silence while I read some mags.
She made my hair blonde again and decided that I have to grow my hair into a bob.
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(all done and happy) |
Tomorrow I will pick up my sis from the train station.
She will stay with me till sunday.
This is definetly the best birthday present.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Yesterday mr. artistic and I visited his family.
My little niece turned two.
I'm a very proud aunty and I enjoy every minute with her.
Gladly they live only 80 km away (same city like my parents in law) so I see her everytime we visited my parents in law.
My heart always beats faster when she is saying my name.
Me and mr. artistic taught her to make "high five" and she is only doing it with us.
She loves books and reading and you find her very often sitting on the couch and reading her books.
I gave her some handmade gifts for her birthday.
Her mommy asked me for some fun handmade gifts to decorate her room.
I bought some cute fabrics a while back and finally I used it for a little bunting.
I had a a few scraps from the bunting and made it into a little mini quilt.
I stiched around each square with pink, yellow, green ore blue embroidery floss.
It can be used as a little tablecloth for her table or as wall hanging.
Amelie decided to use it in a different a little blanket.
Isn't she adorable ??!!
In my eyes she is the cutest and fun girl on earth <3
I already have a new sewing list for her room.
She needs pillows for her tiny chairs and maybe a new quilt.
This is the baby quilt which I made for her right after her birth.
She use it as a play mat right now <3.
It was my very first quilt and I cutted all the fabrics with scissors. Can you believe that?!
It took me hours.
But I have to wait untill Amelie gets a big girl bed to take the measurements.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Eleven Things
Eleven Things about me:
1. I love tiny salty pretzels but I hate the salt on them. I always peel the salt of so you find lots of salt around me when I snack pretzels.
2. My family moved into a small village when I was a teenager. The next bigger city was 20 km away and the bus stoped only 3 times a day durring weekday and never at weekends.
This means I had no chance to meet up with friends untill I was 18 and allowed to drive a car.
3. I'm shy when I meet new people but as soon as I feel comfortable around them I'm a really loud person.
4. I don't drink anything from plastic bottles because the santicizer is toxic for your body (and causes cancer).
5. My home is always a mess. I have tons of craft stuff and I'm still buying more.
I love all kind of crafts so I need lots of materials.
6. Sometimes envious of girls in my age or younger with babies. I'm not able to have kids of my own and I still struggle because of this.
7. Mr. artistic and me want to adopt a kid (because of 6.). We are hoping to adopt a kid from another country so it's time to save some money.
8. I'm going to Bad Homburg in 1 1/2 week for rehab (because of my breast cancer in 2009).
I will stay there for 3 weeks and I'm already excited. I will do lots of sports and other fun stuff.
9. I really want to learn how to knit but I have no patience. I tryed it several times but always gave up after a few minutes.
10. I really enjoyed my doll times (10/2006 - 12/2008). I met lots of lovely people through Blythe & BJD and I still talk to a few of them. Some of them turned into fantastic friends which I don't want to miss anymore.
11. I rarely drink coffee because it makes me feel crazy. My body is not used to the caffein so I'm feeling like being on drugs after a big cup of coffee.
Eleven things asked by fellow blogger my billie.
1. Be honest with me. Do you wear socks with your tennis shoes all the time?
Of course I wear socks because I read that the dye they use for shoes is toxic and causes cancer.
2. Where are you from?
I was born in Nauen/ Germany and grew up in the east of germany (near Berlin).
3. Who is/are your hero/es?
My mom. She was an awesome woman. Full of creativity and love.
4. What do you want to do with your life?
Due to my breast cancer I have no real plan for the future or my life. The most important thing is to be healthy so this is all I want.
5. What/who makes you happy.
My cat, my hubby, my family and my hobby.
6. Mac or PC person?
MAC <3
7. What are three of your favorite blogs?
Of course I wear socks because I read that the dye they use for shoes is toxic and causes cancer.
2. Where are you from?
I was born in Nauen/ Germany and grew up in the east of germany (near Berlin).
3. Who is/are your hero/es?
My mom. She was an awesome woman. Full of creativity and love.
4. What do you want to do with your life?
Due to my breast cancer I have no real plan for the future or my life. The most important thing is to be healthy so this is all I want.
5. What/who makes you happy.
My cat, my hubby, my family and my hobby.
6. Mac or PC person?
MAC <3
7. What are three of your favorite blogs?
I have so many fave blogs that I'm not able to pick only three.
8. What's your favorite food?
Chocolate <3
9. Favorite movie?
Lord of the Rings. Mr. artistic and I watch all three movies every year around christmas.
10. Are you ticklish??
Yep :)
11. What do you like most about yourself?
That I'm able to create sth. with my own hands.
Eleven questions I came up with for you!
1. What is your fave drink ?
2. Where is your fave place in your home ?
3. Best holidays you ever had ?
4. Are you a teamsport person ?
5. Best childhood memory ?
6. Do you still have music tapes ?
7. Fave music ?
8. 100 good friends or one best friend ?
9. Party people or staying at home ?
10. What is your biggest fear ?
11. What are your plans for 2012 ?
I'm supposed to tag other bloggers but I'm affraid that I might get on your nerves.
If you want to play the game feel free to awnser my question and leave a message on my blog ^___^.
Chocolate <3
9. Favorite movie?
Lord of the Rings. Mr. artistic and I watch all three movies every year around christmas.
10. Are you ticklish??
Yep :)
11. What do you like most about yourself?
That I'm able to create sth. with my own hands.
Eleven questions I came up with for you!
1. What is your fave drink ?
2. Where is your fave place in your home ?
3. Best holidays you ever had ?
4. Are you a teamsport person ?
5. Best childhood memory ?
6. Do you still have music tapes ?
7. Fave music ?
8. 100 good friends or one best friend ?
9. Party people or staying at home ?
10. What is your biggest fear ?
11. What are your plans for 2012 ?
I'm supposed to tag other bloggers but I'm affraid that I might get on your nerves.
If you want to play the game feel free to awnser my question and leave a message on my blog ^___^.
christmas mails
The new year is already 6 days old and I had still no time to blog about my christmas mails from last year.
Due to the holiday traveling and of course my lazy ass I'm a little bit behind to say thank to some lovely friends from all over the world.
A few ladies spoilt me with fun a cute christmas packages.
Each package was so unique and filled with love and creativity.
There was a lovely mail from Lala.
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(tiny envelope with tiny christmas cards) |
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(Lala always has the cutest mails) |
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(filled with lots of fun and cute things) |
I had a little christmas surprice mail from Mo and Sammie.
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(cute handmade card from Sammie) |
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(a cute christmas ornament for my collection) |
Jo surpriced me with a cute handmade gift and fabrics.
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(owl coinpurse made by Jo and amazing christmas fabrics) |
Another mail came all the way from Japan. Ayumi outdid herself with a cute and fun mail for my tummy and my crafty hands.
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(candy, fabrics and a cute handmade potholder) |
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(cute house pottholder) |
I have so many lovely friends all over the world.
Thank you so much.
I'm blessed <3
nail polish
I can't believe that I hated to wear nail polish on my finger nails untill last week.
It always felt like having tons of heavy stuff on my nails.
But gladly I'm no able to wear nail polish.
And since that days I can't stop buying new colors.
I still need to work on my skills to apply the nail polish in a perfect way.
A week ago I started to watch emergency room again. I used to watch it when I was still living at home and at school.
After 2009 I wasn't able to watch any doctor related series but now I'm able to watch them.
But I have to admit that I skip episodes with cancer.
A week ago I started to watch emergency room again. I used to watch it when I was still living at home and at school.
After 2009 I wasn't able to watch any doctor related series but now I'm able to watch them.
But I have to admit that I skip episodes with cancer.
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