Thursday, January 27, 2011


I have to admit that I'm obsessed with mormon housewifes blog recently.
Their life seems to be so perfect. They are staying at home moms with beautiful houses, time to craft whenever they want, throwing great partys and they have super cute model looking kids, lovely husbands ...and they are always happy.
I'm the completly opposite of them. I'm nearly 30 , unmarried, living in a small flat, no kids (and I won't be able to have kids ) and working as a social education worker.

I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one . Read the article here .

What's your oppinion  ????

Since I'm working and have only the weekend for baking I have to buy my cakes in a shop.

(cupcake bought after my every 3 month doctor check up)

(Göttingen- busy people rushing home after work)
(Göttingen is really pretty)


  1. Gottingen is beautiful! I have never heard of those type of blogs before - I will have to check it out.

  2. it's a very small city in the middle of germany ;)
    you should read the blogs...they are really lovely and a little bit like a perfect world !!

  3. Hi! I'm more or less in the same situation, a job I'm not satisfied with and is not enough to pay my bills (my mother helps me)I long for something more appealing (like moving to the UK), I don't think I will be able to have a family soon (I'm able to have kids but not yet) . But I have hope that anytime soon maybe I will get my goal. Keep trying. (I like to read your blog :))

  4. @Barbarella: I'm relieved to hear that I'm not the only one who is struggeling with finding the perfect way to live our lifes.
    Life is challenging us every day ...
    Thank you so much for the lovely comment about my blog <3

  5. Thanks for that interesting link. Although I have not fully read the article, I can understand what the author means and I feel somewhat the same. Sometimes I spend ours staring at pink cake stands and baking supplies and sweet homes and people making family weekend trips. Nevertheless, I am sure that no family is perfect, there is always a world that everyone of us will never be part of and this may be something that everybody will miss someday. But like in the film eat/pray/love, I agree that beeing out of what you believe is harmony actually means being in balance. Unperfectness is something that makes me feel relieved as well. Maybe one can try to see the beauty in everyday life, celebrating all the small things and laughing about beeing uncomplete because then there is so much that still can be discovered..

  6. "Their life seems to be so perfect." Also, ohne den Artikel zu lesen...ich hab sofort an "Desperate Housewifes" gedacht und da ist ja nun wirklich nicht alles so perfekt wie es auf den ersten Blick aussieht...Wer sagt denn ausserdem, das auch alles wahr ist in dem Blog...vielleicht steckt viel Verteidigung dieser Lebensweise drin? Mormonen werden auch kritisch betrachtet und sind vielen Vorurteilen ausgesetzt oder werden gar angefeindet. Hast du daran schon mal gedacht? Was gehoert denn fuer DICH zu einem "guten Leben"? Muss Frau dafuer verheiratet sein? oder Kinder bekommen? Menschen sind auch darauf programmiert sich fortzupflanzen, aber Kinder sind wirklich nicht fuer alle DIE Erfuellung und Ehe auch nicht und Hausfrau sein auch nicht - dafuer gibt es viel zu viele gescheiterte Ehen und Beziehungen, geplatzte Traeume, Depressionen und vor allem auch unglueckliche Kinder, die einiges ausbaden muessen, was Eltern ihnen so eingebrockt haben...

    Count your blessings! Du bist eine Kaempferin und du hast einen Job, finanzierst und meisterst dein Leben selbst, du wirst mit Sicherheit auch geliebt von Menschen, du bist so talentiert in deinen handwerklichen Sachen, hast ein Blick fuer Schoenes und Style....und es gibt mit Sicherheit noch zig andere positive Sachen...

  7. thanks for your lovely comments ;)
    the last days I'm reading less on these blogs...I enjoy crafting and enjoying my life as it is...
    it's not the "perfect" life ...but which life is perfect ?!

  8. Read the article. Well, sometimes people approach me for all that: nice pictures, sweet children, great house, loving husband, time for crafts and baking and such. I am blessed, yes but it is not all sugary out there. it is nervewrecking to live with three children and not going to work (24 hours of duty!) Enough money is great here but does not help with soul and educational issues. I feel lost here in Germany because I feel like an alien loving to be a homestay mom, bringing up children. Irt was so much easier abroad in Turkey and Mexico where it is more common to have children and stay at home and have more than one child. And the reason I felt so much happier there and tried to bring this happiness back with me to Germany: In other countries we lived in you are deeply respected for being a mother. I felt like a mother there and like a friend and like a woman and a wife and much more vibrant. Back in Germany I felt anachronistic and nearly nobody here valued the joy I had in my home life with baking, cooking, crafting, blogging, decorating. it made ma sick and so I started blogging to reconnect with the world out there (outside Germany). Whilst blogging you mostly only present the nice sides of life and that keeps you happy and I am always smiling when I see my blog and Flickr (the children are sweet and well behaving there and the house never in a mess, I never argue with my spouse...) So maybe this blogging is for bliss, for sending out good vibes into the universe to stay sane and survive the daily struggles.... And when it comes to the mormons: It must not only be the religiosity that seems to make them strong. I never had this religious life - we are living churchless over here but I had one thing with them in common: The community whilst living abroad. People to share your life with. That is not so easy here in germany and here we are coming back to this blogging and Flickr thing. You sometimes gat more from the world out there than from the people around you!
    Nighty night Isa!

  9. Liebe Yvonne,

    ich verstehe was du meinst. In Dtl. ist es schon fast unnormal wenn die Frau nich arbeiten geht und sich dafür um die Kinder kümmert. Mutter sein und Hausfrau reicht in Dtl. vielen nicht aus. Andere Länder (wie du auch schon gesagt hast) sind da viel offener.
    Ich finde es auf jeden Fall Klasse und wenn ich die Möglichkeit gehabt hätte, hätte ich mich auch dafür entschieden Kinder zu haben und daheim zu bleiben .
