Thursday, February 3, 2011

busy like a bee

Recently I'm busy like a bee when it comes to crafty things. Since I designed the Hoppel's I fall in love with the little critters. They always make me smile and I love to play with them. They inspire me to take out my re-ment and force me to use my camera more.

Last year around christmas I discovered the Hoppel's are really cute as a appliqué. While I was at mr. artistics parents home and everybody was sick I worked on some Hoppel appliqué's. Last week I started to search for some fabric collections in my stash. I noticed that I rarely bought the whole collection Sadly most of my stash are single pieces of collection.
I found a few matching fabrics from my fave lecien collection.

(flower fabrics from lecien)
Sadly it's a very old collection and I'm not able to find more of flower and duckling fabrics .
I had a lot of fun arranging the fabrics and decide for bag type.
I wanted some really colourful bags this time and I have to say that I'm very proud how they turned out.

The bags are now available in my shop .

(Hoppel collection)
I decided to make a small collection out of my Hoppel appliques and of course I will name the collection "Hoppel". I'm so happy that I was finally able to use my vintage zippers which I bought a few years ago. The bright colours match the design of the Hoppel bag perfectly.

(Duckling Hoppel bag)

(Ballon Hoppel bag)

(Umbrella Hoppel bag)

1 comment:

  1. Wahnsin. Einfach irre *-* Ich bin immerwieder so fasziniert davon, wie akurat und filigran du arbeitest (aber ich glaub da wiederhol ich mich ^^")Aber eben auch die Tatsache, dass so SINVOLLE Sachen dabei raus kommen...nicht wie bei mir, sone blöde Skizze, wenn's hockommt mal mit Farbe ~.~"
    Der Umbrella-Hoppel ist definnitiv mein Favorit. Erinnert mich (ungewollt?) an Dänemark. Das Leinen(?) hat diese Sandfarbe vom Strand, der Schirm geht zur Not auch als Sonnenschirm durch und die Kringel als Wellen ^^
    Ich wünsch dir so sehr, dass du deine Kunstwerke zu angemessenen Preisen verkaufen und dir damit deine Reise finanzieren kannst!!!
