Tuesday, May 8, 2012

no chemo this week

no chemo this week, originally uploaded by crafting with loove.

Sorry for not being around . But since I left the hospital last week I wasn't feeling well.
My wound was infected and I didn't know about it since yesterday.
The past days I had around 38.7 fever sometimes. Now I'm getting antibiotics and I have to go to my surgerun every day to get my wound cleanded.
Sadly it means that I wasn't able to start chemo yesterday. Hopefully next monday my body is ready start with treatment.


  1. Ich wünsche Dir Gute Besserung, und daß Deine Wunden schnell heilen...Alle Gute!

  2. Hi. I'm from Brazil. I always check your blog because I love your quilts and projecks. You are a very special person! God bless you! I hope you get better soon! You will, I'm sure! Because of the way you see the world and your joy of living! Have strength and faith. A loving hug!!! Fernanda Mareze
