Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Review #3 - April 2014

Time for another review.
I was hoping to get these reviwes done a bit earlier but at least I try to keep myself motivated to document the last year.

April was still the month of our Tokio vacation. As I already told you a few blog posts ago my hubby and I spent two amazing weeks in Tokyo. It's our favourite destination and I would go twice a year if I had the money.
But I'm happy as long as we are able to once a year.

Hubby and I looove it to wander around the city and explore the city while walking. Mostly we skiped the public transportation and walked 3 or for 4 JR stations.
It's the best way to see lots of the city and discover interessting places aside from the tourist areas.

At the end we walked more than 200 km in less than 2 weeks. Both of my good leather shoes didn't survive and I came home with two pairs of broken shoes.

Durring the vacation I worked every night on our travel book. Mostly it took me 2 hours each night to document our adventures. We printed photos around the corner of the hotel and I glued everything We ate, saw and found durring the day.

I have to admit that this book is the best I ever made (and I'm makig these books since a few years now). Getting the pics printed right after each day really makes a difference in the outcome of the final travel book.

Just after our vacation easter was just around the corner.
I visited my sis and dad and stayed a few days in Berlin.

The weather started to get better and I was able to go mountain biking for the first time of my life.
I love riding my bike (which is a very comfy old beach cruiser) but mountain biking is not my cup of tea.
Most of the trip I was just afraid to hurt myself.

But at the end we had a yummy cold beer mix which was so refreshing .


  1. Wonderful photos and I am sure you and your husband have the great memories. And yes, I like to make our travel book too. It is good way how to keep all very important photos, tickets, bills etc. etc. :)

  2. So glad to see you blogging again, I love your posts! Beautiful photos of Japan. I hope you get to go again soon :)

  3. The two of you are such a cute couple! Glad you are feeling great and enjoying life.
